Following the publication of the report ” Is Help Allowed? How French financial institutions hinder humanitarian action in Syria “, initiated by ASML/Syria and carried out in partnership with 3 other associations (Syrian Network for Relief and Development (CODSSY), INS / Syria and Women Now for Development), 28 associations of the Syrian diaspora in France have published an Open Letter Thursday, May 3rd, 2018.
Addressed to the President of the Republic, the Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Minister of the Economy and Finance, this letter asks the competent public authorities to open a dialogue with the main actors in the fight against the funding of terrorism (public authorities, financial institutions and French associations active in Syria). Concrete solutions must be quickly found and implemented to enable the successful implementation of our humanitarian and development missions.
Established by Syrians and for Syrians, ASML/Syria pioneer media solutions to the humanitarian and social consequences of the conflict. On the short term, we are determined to alleviate the immediate suffering of the population, while building the pluralistic foundation for a peaceful and democratic future.
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