Women Empowerment

Amplifying women’s voices through training, campaigning, and a dedicated website


Empowering Women through Media program is an initiative which seeks to improve the way in which women participate in and benefit from the Syrian media.


Harassment, gender-based violence, early marriage, widowhood, struggle to meet the basic needs of their families… Women are largely considered to be the first victims of the Syrian conflict. However, the exact impact of the conflict on their situation is largely overlooked.


Male journalists are unable or disinclined to report on the issue for practical and gender-related reasons: cultural reluctance to enter the house and be alone with a woman, difficulties to create a relationship of trust with the interviewee, etc. And as there are very few female journalists the difficulties faced by women are therefore tragically under- documented and under-reported. As a result, little is done to alleviate their suffering.


This project empowers women to be a driving force while reinforcing the capacity of resistance of local civil society.


  • Improve gender equality within the media landscape by increasing the number of female journalists
  • Inform domestic and international audiences about how the conflict affects Syrian women by amplifying their voices


  • Online and onsite training workshops for Syrian female aspiring journalists.
  • Provision of IT and journalistic equipment to female aspiring journalists.
  • Launch of a website amplifying women’s voices and spreading positive initiatives that can be reproduced.


  • Increased number of women working in the field of media
  • Adequate competency and skills of female journalists already working with media outlets.
  • Opportunity for women to choose the stories they want to highlight and spread messages about their condition